Hurricane Sandy

10/30/12: There is the sound of generators all up and down my street right now. Hurricane Sandy hit last night and we were very lucky. Our power is out (I'm typing this on my laptop and am going to post it as soon as I have internet again) but our house is not damaged and even all of the beautiful trees in our front and back yard have survived. (Although they all had the rest of their leaves very forcefully blown off their branches.)

We might be a week or more without power and while both our cable and our cell service is out, my parents insist on having a landline for our home phone, so thankfully we can make calls. We also have a small generator that we share with our neighbors next door, that we use to power one room downstairs, our sump pump and an extra refrigerator to keep some food from spoiling. 

All in all, I just feel very lucky. There are many places where they are much worse off than we are, many houses flooded and destroyed.

Right now, my dad is out trying to get gas with a neighbor. Some of the streets are blocked off and before, cops were giving people tickets for being on the road during a state of emergency and telling everyone to go home.

Another neighbor works at a power plant and he was saying that there was flooding and explosions and that his plant won't be up and running again for months, with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage…

11/1/12: Our power is back on as well as the cable and internet. Our power was restored much faster than we expected and I feel very lucky.

11/3/12: Last night we went though all of the clothes we had in the house that don't fit my siblings anymore as well as my clothes. My mom belongs to the Mom's Club and we're donating them along with diapers and baby formula that my mom picked up at Wal-Mart. 

I feel blessed and I am praying for all of the families who lost their homes. New Jersey will recover and come back stronger than ever. :)

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