John Lennon Quote Mural Project Update: Phase Three…Done!

So here it is! My John Lennon Quote Mural Project is done! I was so excited to finish this project and see the quote painted in it's entirety. It fit in the space just perfectly and I think it makes good use of that awkward foot and a half between the shelf and the love seat.

Just in case you missed it, you can find Phase One of the project here and Phase Two here.

Below are some pictures, enjoy!

My New Job

So after having to quit my job in January (more on that in another post?) I was pretty down...I loved my job as a dance teacher and I still hope to be able to teach in the future. But jobs locally in that field are pretty hard to come by sometimes, so I spent the entire summer looking for something that would be reliable and have the hours I wanted.

I instantly ruled out retail and waitressing (making the pickings pretty slim...)

I applied at the local library (5 minutes from my house!) and was hired!! I was so excited. 

As I'm sure you know, I LOVE books. I love to be around them, I love the way they smell, I love to read them, I love to hold them...

Okay, this just got awkward...

Anyway, I started working on October 1st and I have to say I am really happy. My hours are perfect, I don't work weekends or holidays and everybody who works there is really nice. I feel so blessed and grateful to have been given this job and this opportunity. 

As a side note, working at a library just makes my want to write.

I've always loved creative writing...well, any kind of writing really. I'v written poems, short stories, long stories...and I desperately hope one day to be able to call myself an author.

If anything, working at the library has fueled this desire and turned it into a real, tangible, dream.

Until then, I will start to put lots of effort into my writing. I have two ideas for books and I believe that if I put the time and effort into, could really become something.

I guess we'll see!!

Hurricane Sandy

10/30/12: There is the sound of generators all up and down my street right now. Hurricane Sandy hit last night and we were very lucky. Our power is out (I'm typing this on my laptop and am going to post it as soon as I have internet again) but our house is not damaged and even all of the beautiful trees in our front and back yard have survived. (Although they all had the rest of their leaves very forcefully blown off their branches.)

We might be a week or more without power and while both our cable and our cell service is out, my parents insist on having a landline for our home phone, so thankfully we can make calls. We also have a small generator that we share with our neighbors next door, that we use to power one room downstairs, our sump pump and an extra refrigerator to keep some food from spoiling. 

All in all, I just feel very lucky. There are many places where they are much worse off than we are, many houses flooded and destroyed.

Right now, my dad is out trying to get gas with a neighbor. Some of the streets are blocked off and before, cops were giving people tickets for being on the road during a state of emergency and telling everyone to go home.

Another neighbor works at a power plant and he was saying that there was flooding and explosions and that his plant won't be up and running again for months, with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage…

11/1/12: Our power is back on as well as the cable and internet. Our power was restored much faster than we expected and I feel very lucky.

11/3/12: Last night we went though all of the clothes we had in the house that don't fit my siblings anymore as well as my clothes. My mom belongs to the Mom's Club and we're donating them along with diapers and baby formula that my mom picked up at Wal-Mart. 

I feel blessed and I am praying for all of the families who lost their homes. New Jersey will recover and come back stronger than ever. :)

John Lennon Quote Project Update/Phase Two

So Phase Two of the John Lennon quote project is finished! (For Phase One, go here.)

Phase Two includes the first side of the mural, with this part of the quote: "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me happiness was the key to life.

So excited that I got this much done…stay tuned for the next phases!

Coolness on a Stick

This video.
Is awesome.
Watch it.

Where is Everybody??

I started this blog in March of 2011…took a few breaks here and there, but for the most part I've been chugging away.

According to my stats, I've had quite a few views…almost 24,000 if you are to believe the little counter on my sidebar :D hehe

Okay, so maybe to "pro bloggers" that wouldn't really be a big deal.

But to me, it is!! I find it amazing…

So, whoever you are…reading my blog…I'm going to ask you a favor.


You know that cool box with faces down over yonder at the bottom of all my pages???

("Of course!", you say.)

Well click it. Click "Join this Site".

Please, just show me some love. :)

An Epic-ly Awesome, "Amrazing" Night

On Friday night, I attended a stop on Jason Mraz's "Tour is a Four Letter Word" in my home state of New Jersey.

To clarify, I am not a concert person…I'm not particularly fond of crowds and there are not many artists that I feel strongly enough about that I would spend money to see them in person.

But for Jason, I broke all of those rules. My parents bought me tickets for my 22nd birthday this year and I was thrilled and overjoyed that I was going to get to see him live!

To make things even better, his "tour partner" was Christina Perri and I happen to really love her vocals and originality.

And I have to say, that I did succumb to "concert behavior"…somewhat…I screamed as loud as everyone else (with the result of a nice, sore throat the next day) and I sang along to every song, my voice getting lost along with his and everyone else's. (Thank God, because I really can't sing…hehe)

I brought my friend Heather along and we had a really great time eating churros before the show, quoting Psych and just generally goofing off (aka, being ourselves).

I loved every second of it.

To cap it all off, he played "Plane", which is an older song of his that I thought I had NO chance of hearing. It was a wonderful surprise to hear something I really wasn't expecting.

He was funny (see below), he did yoga (tree pose, see photo) during one of his songs; he inspired and captivated me all over again.

Soooo….get ready to be photo-bombed!! I took a ridiculous amount of pictures, so I picked out some of the best ones to show you…enjoy!

To start the night off, my dad rented an awesome Mustang to bring us to the concert!
Christina Perri Singing "Jar of Hearts"
I love this picture!
This one too!

Jason going into tree pose during "Make it Mine" :)
Awesome background effect for "Only Human"
Playing"I'm Coming Over/Hidden Track"…love this song….
His keys player also plays the accordion!! Cool!!
Some more of the awesome background graphics for "Butterfly"
"I'm Yours"
He sang Bob Marley!! "Three Little Birds"
Jason and Christina singing their duet, "Distance"
The band, taking a bow
Saying goodbye :(

While introducing the band (in the middle of a song) he continued to play his guitar, but then said, "I'm just playing some nonsense chords…I can't talk and play at the same time..weird right? If I was singing, it would all make sense."

Insert copious amounts of laughter here. :) …and a little bit of beautiful understanding…it does all make sense when he sings. I'm so glad I got to experience his music live, it was amrazingly magical!

Street Legal Batmobile?

I saw this commercial and I instantly thought..

Coming Back...

I've been away from blogging for a while now. At first, I thought I liked it better...I didn't feel pressure to post anything, I felt like I had one less thing to worry about.

And for a while, that was cool. I was okay with it. But recently, I realized that I am not okay with it. I loved my blog. Even though I'm not sure that anyone besides my mother actually read it, I liked having this small piece of the internet to call my own.

So I'm coming back to blogging and this time, I'm not going to give up so easily...I think I'll stick around for a while, see where it takes me. :)


I have a Storenvy store! HD computer wallpapers, iPhone wallpapers, etc! Check it out! More coming soon.
My Pinterest boards are overflowing...
My Design Business is going great! I have some new clients lined up for the fall and I'm really excited.
I'm in my Senior Year of College!! I'm ready to face the last year head-on and I can't wait to have that diploma in my hand.

There's tons more, but I'll save the rest for individual posts.

I hope someone, somewhere is happy that I'm back :D


Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

This is just insane. I wish I had the resources to do this…looks like so much fun!

Rag Rug: Project 2012

So a few days ago I stumbled upon this beautiful rag rug on Flickr:

crocheted rag rug

and I happen to have this empty space in my room that could use a rug:

so, naturally, this happened:

I need more rags though!!
Stay tuned for pictures of the progress!

The Most Amazingly Awesome Video

Break ton Neck from Alex Yde on Vimeo.

January Reading List 2012

Guantanamo Boy
Back to the Garden
Einstein: A Life
Clockwork Angel
Sherlock Holmes
Lily of the Nile
The Green Mile
The Help

I can't wait to get reading!!
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