My Obsession with Egypt...

I have always had a slight obsession with everything Egypt, ever since I was very little and started learning about Ancient Egypt in school. I'm not sure exactly why and I actually had almost forgotten about it until I picked up a book I had bought a while ago in Target because it was on sale. (Yes, I often buy books just because they are on sale and for no other reason.)

The book was called Nefertiti and the author's name is Michelle Moran. The author is an archeologist and after exploring and unearthing many artifacts in Egypt, decided to write a book about Ancient Egypt.

Not only are her books almost historically accurate, they are thrilling to read. Obviously we don't know everything about Ancient Times, but what we do know has been incorporated into an amazing work of fiction.

I have devoured her first book Nefertiti and just recently finished The Heretic Queen. (The sequel to Nefertiti.)

I just started Cleopatra's Daughter and I'm so excited to read about an entirely different era of Egypt and Rome.

Even though I have never been a real fan of history as a subject, when put into a personal context (like when reading about Ancient Egypt through a spurned princess' eyes) it's much easier for me to enjoy. 

I would definitely recommend giving them a look if you like historical fiction or Ancient Egypt :)

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