The First Step in My Learning An Instrument.
For years I have wanted to learn how to play the piano (and the guitar, but one step at a time). I have one of those keyboards that can teach you how to play a song and have learned a few songs that way, (only one of which I actually remember) but I really want to be able to just pick up a piece of music and play.For that, I'll have to learn how to read music. Duh. I have the book/cd/dvd combination lesson that you see to the left. My Mom got it for me for Christmas, probably about three or four years ago, but I haven't looked at it seriously since I've gotten it.
When I was in elementary school, I could read music. Simple music, but I could at least interpret the notes. I've long since forgotten how to do that, but I badly want to be able to sit down and sight read a piece of music.
I know this is going to be difficult, but I'm just going to try and spend a little bit of time each week on it. I figure it's better than nothing!
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