Peace Sign Light: Weekend Project, Day Two Update

Peace Sign Take Two- With Plastic Wood Drying on
the Router Mishap...

So day two brought it's own challenges...I'm not quite sure why this project is giving us such a hard time...we made my entire bed with less mishaps then this peace sign!

This morning after my dad cut the new, non-crooked peace sign out, he went to go route the edge where the back pieces are going to sit...and something went awry. (haha, I said "awry"!)

Anyway, the router went bonkers and gouged the face of the sign.

Don't worry, it was filled in with plastic wood and sanded down to look good as new.

Then, after a quick trip to Home Depot, then Lowe's, then Home Depot again, we came back and started to put the pieces on the back that will cover the lights so they're not visible from the side.

So that's it! the pieces are clamped down and in the next few days we'll be sanding, shaping and just generally cleaning it up to get it ready for paint and lights!

I'm so excited, I can't wait!


Brittany | May 2, 2011 at 8:17 PM

Can't wait to see the finished product, good luck!

Unknown | May 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM

thanks Brittany!!

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