Jason Mraz. What a Beautiful Mess.

Okay, so you know that I love Jason Mraz. (Well, now you do, because I just told you.) He's ridiculously talented, tons of fun and he makes some amazzzzing music. I recently purchased his only official concert DVD out there: Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess - Live on Earth. (Btw, he recorded this DVD for the sole purpose of giving his grandmother a good video of his concert, since she couldn't come see him. How nice is that?!)

On one of his songs on his album, there's this opera part. For the longest time, I would listen to the song, thinking he hired an opera singer to come sing on his album. That makes sense right?? He doesn't really look like the kind of guy who could just belt out some opera. Think again. Fast forward the video above to 2:00.

Done? Ridiculous right?

Okay, just checking I wasn't imagining things.

P.S. - I know I just told you to fast forward that video, but now that you've watched the astonishing part, start it over and watch the whole thing. DO IT NOW!

Mike Tyson, Angry Birds and the iPad 2

This video is hilarious. Wish Mike Tyson would follow me around…

P.S. - Make sure to click on the "click here" at the end of the video!

Freakonomics…A Very Interesting and Well-Done Documentary

A few nights ago I watched Freakonomics, a documentary based on the book by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. Not only is the cover graphic awesome, but the subject matter is interesting as well. I haven't read the book yet, but have picked it up at the store with interest in the past and plan to read it in it's entirety in the future. The book includes more examples than the documentary, but I believe the documentary went more in-depth on some subjects.

The documentary opens with Stephen and Steven talking about realtors and their motives for selling your home; and it's immediately established that these two have a sense of humor (as if you didn't get that already from the title and the apple/orange on the cover of the book). They start with a blooper and then head on to a really great animation of themselves, demonstrating why, when it comes to your relationship with your real estate agent, your "interests aren't aligned".

The entire idea is totally interesting. Steven D. Levitt, an economist, (boring right? NOT.) has spent his career researching the reasons behind everyday occurrences: crime, parenting, swimming, all sorts of stuff. He challenges conventional ways of thinking and shows that by asking the right questions and drawing connections between seemingly unrelated data, you'll find answers some people didn't think were there.

Stephen J. Dubner is a journalist. He profiled Levitt for The New York Times and that was how the idea for the book came together. Together, they make a great team - they look at the topics from interesting angles and come up with some very unconventional conclusions. 

Plus it's just cool that both of their names are Stephen, even thought they spell it differently.

The animations in the documentary were done extremely well and the filming and music was great too. It had a real innovative feel to it, which I think went really well with their unconventional, out-of-the-box thinking.

The entire documentary was interesting, but as with all films, I believe the book will be better. (Not to mention that the book covers more topics.) I'm looking forward to reading it.

P.S. - They wrote a second one! It's called Super Freakonomics. I'll definitely be checking this one out after I finish the first one :)


Hey, my name is Jessica.

And this is my blog.

Well. Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll tell you what this is all about.

I am a collage of people. A dancer, writer, teacher, choreographer, graphic artist, web designer, cross stitcher, yoga practicer, meditator, Angry Bird enthusiast and singer, (not a good one!) I often spin in circles and don't know which part of me I like best, what I like doing the most and how to spend my time effectively so I can do all of these things. I spend a lot of time thinking about lots of things and a lot of time thinking about nothing at all.

This blog will be a hodge-podge, like me, and I probably won't always stay on top of writing posts. (Sorry about that in advance.)

I happen to think I have a slightly different and unique view on life and that's why I entitled my blog, "Life According to Jessica".

My only hope with this blog is that I stick with it and that it gives me another thing I can add to my list of talents.
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