Impatience is a Virtue…oh Wait, That's Not Right...

I am, by nature, a very impatient person. I hate waiting for grades, checks to clear, things to come in the mail.

I always find myself complaining about something that's taking too long and so, since we're so close to the New Year, I find myself tallying all of my vices…and virtues too, just to see where I need to focus my efforts next year. :)

I Believe In...

This is a clip from the Psych episode a few weeks ago. (Watch it now!)

It inspired me to created my own little list of things I believe in, below.


It's a tradition, to watch my grandmother clean the turkey. She talks to it, gets annoyed at the way it was butchered, cleans it (and the gizzards) every year. She should have been a butcher, she loves meat, always tells us how when she was little she would have to clean all the feathers off too…she loved every second of it. Even the gross parts, like the heart, liver and neck, she cleans with relish…asking us to sprinkle the salt for cleaning while she washes them underwater.

So that's what I'm thankful for this year…tradition, family, love, and home.

I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.

John Lennon Quote Project, Phase One

So my most recent project is a mural of a John Lennon quote that I LOVE.

Here it is: "When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life."

So because this quote is really long, the only space I had left for it (more on that in another post) was in my reading nook.

I decided to wrap it around the three walls underneath my bookshelves.

I downloaded a font of John Lennon's handwriting, which I think is really cool, because now it's like he wrote it on my wall.

I printed out the letters to the size I needed and then traced them onto Bristol Board, a really stiff artist's paper.

I had one for every letter in the quote and so then all I had to do was trace the letters onto the wall.

So that's phase one! Everything's all traced out and all that's left is to paint it! I can't wait, there's pictures below, stay tuned for phase two. :)

John Lennon Quote Project Phase One  John Lennon Quote Project Phase One

John Lennon Quote Project Phase One John Lennon Quote Project Phase One

John Lennon Quote Project Phase One


My recent foray into the poem world with the book, Because I Am Furniture, inspired me to share a poem I had written recently while I had time to kill on campus. It was a beautiful day, uncommon for November, and I was watching the leaves fall from the trees...

Because I Am Furniture

I was intrigued by this book's title, which is the original reason I picked it up.

It's not the only reason I wound up loving it.

Written in the form of many poems, it was brilliantly captivating. I literally picked it up and didn't put it down until I had finished.

I have to add that I didn't realize it was written in poems until I got it home from the library. When I opened it, I was skeptical. I usually don't enjoy books written in poem form…they scare me. I always feel like I'm missing something, or like there's some deeper meaning that I'm just not getting. I actually almost put it down. 

What a mistake that would have been.

What Teaching Means to Me

I've been planning on writing this blog post for a long time. But when I recently changed jobs, it gave me a clearer view of why I truly love teaching.

I'm a dance teacher. I've been dancing since the age of three (18 years) and dance means more to me than anything else, besides my family of course.

When I graduated high school, it was time for me to get a job that I could enjoy and count on, as well as provide for me throughout college. But I didn't know what I could possibly do. At the time, I worked for a chiropractor as an office assistant. When I was little, I wanted nothing more than to work in an office. I loved notebooks and files, I loved keeping everything organized and "answering the phones". But I realized that the fun I had pretending "office" as a child didn't translate into real life. So when I sat down with my mother to try and think of where I should apply for a new job, I had a real hard time.

I automatically ruled out McDonald's, the local retail outlets…well anything in retail really. I was starting to wonder if I was spoiling myself. Shouldn't I be working at McDonald's or a clothing store? Isn't that a rite of college-life? Working a terrible job that you hate?

Then my mom asked me, "What would your dream job be? If money was no object, if it wasn't about just "getting a job", what job would you want?"

I answered, "I want to be a dance teacher."

I immediately followed that up with, "But no one will hire me at 18 with only minimal teaching experience."

I was wrong.

After putting together my resume and emailing every dance studio within a reasonable distance, I got two responses. One for a studio one town over and another from a studio where I was currently taking a weekly ballet class. They both hired me.

That year I worked at two dance studios, teaching class, choreographing recital dances, picking out their costumes…basically everything I've always wanted to do. 

Growing up, me and my two best friends were all dancers. We would talk about opening a studio together when we got older, how much fun it would be to be able to make all the rules! As we grew older, we wizened up, but I think I always held on to that dream.

Teaching, for me, has become one of the biggest joys in my life. I look at my students and see myself- I want to be that teacher, the one that instills their love of dance into their students…the one that makes them eager to come to dance, to learn new things, improve and have fun. I had those teachers and even the ones I didn't like as much, I took away what I could.

I've taught all ages- from 3 years old up to adults. There's nothing like a child coming up to you a week after you've taught them a new step- they struggled with it last week, but they "worked on it all week…my teachers were yelling at me for dancing under my desk!" and when they show you how they've perfected it, you can't help but smile and congratulate them. I remember when I used to be that kid; I would be doing pirouettes in gym during volleyball (that's why no one wanted me on their team…and I can't tell you how many times I got hit in the head with the ball). I love knowing that it's not all me. Sure, I teach them the technical lingo and demonstrate the steps, but it's when they love it so much that they just can't stop- that's when I know I've truly done my job.

Recently I had to make a very tough decision. I decided to look for a new teaching job. I am now working at a different studio and I am very happy about my decision. But it was very tough telling my students that I was leaving…in almost four years I had become very attached to them. Some of them cried, which made me want to cry too, they asked where I was going (which, out of respect for my former boss I didn't tell them) and they gave me bone-crushing hugs.

It was very hard to say goodbye. My only hope for any student of mine is that they love dance as much as I do…regardless of their technique, it's the passion for dance that is the most important.

Teaching dance has taught me many things as well. But it's also opened my eyes to another discipline I would like to teach: yoga. 

I'm sure you remember me talking about my yoga trainings…currently I'm certified to teach beginner yoga, and at the new studio I'll be doing just that!

Sometimes its hard for me to believe that I actually have my dream job. Some people go through their whole lives with a job they hate just to put food on the table. I respect those people…they do whatever they have to do to support their families. It makes me even more grateful to have the job that I do, to be able to go to work and enjoy every second of it so much that I forget that I'm even working. It's truly a blessing that I never saw coming at eighteen and is still amazing me at twenty-one.

This time, Etsy fulfills an Actual Need...

A few months ago I was complaining about my pieced together vanity to a friend. I was explaining to her what I really wanted, complete with a PB Teen magazine cutout, when she said a friend of hers had that exact piece of furniture and was getting rid of it.

I of course said, "I WANT IT."

$100 later, (the vanity was originally over $1000!!) I had the beautiful vanity I had always wanted. It was kept in great condition and all the drawers were in working order.

But…one of the drawer pulls was missing.

Not a big deal, the drawer pulls were pretty basic, so they could've used an upgrade anyway.

Enter, Etsy.

I found these adorable little elephant drawer pulls, messaged the shop owner to see if she had six instead of the four the original listing was for and bought them after she revised the listing for me.

They are currently en route from Canada and I can't wait to get them and see them on my vanity!

Pictures to come :)

Ice Cream

Bone Worship

I saw this book in Barnes and Noble one day as I was shopping. I read the back and it sounded really interesting.

The main character, Jasmine, is the child of an Iranian father and an American mother. After flunking out of her last semester at college as a double major, she returns home to make good on her promise to her parents to let them arrange a wedding for her.

I'm not going to summarize the book here, (in short, I really enjoyed the book) I just wanted to write a little bit about why I thought this was such a good book and what I think makes a good book.

Writing style is something everyone has a different preference for. Some people like simpler writers, others like a more complex writing style.

I happen to like somewhat of a middle ground. For example, I recently took the newest Meg Cabot novel out of the library's teen section (yes, I often read from the teen section- usually if you pick through the angst-ridden high school stories, you can find some good stuff). I started reading it, (it was supposed to be a modern take on Persephone) I thought that the Greek mythological background would make it interesting (I happen to LOVE mythology). But I found myself bored, not because of the story, but because of the writing style.

It's been a while...

Ahh, blog I miss you!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I'll explain why.

I started school again…I started work again…umm…that's about it.

But it's enough to make my brain spin sometimes, which makes me forget about awesome things like my blog. (A tragedy, I know.)

So I'm writing here to promise to put renewed effort into this scrap of the internet that I claim to be mine.

Some of the things I'm currently working on are: This website of mine is my excuse for learning more about Disney World and loving every second of it. It needs a new design and interface and so….that's where my work comes in. This blog is my motivation for learning healthy, easy recipes, in order to force myself to be a healthier individual. This website is my freelance graphic and web design business, requiring enough work on it's own, let alone along with all this other nonsense I'm doing.

Reading Music. This endeavor is proving to be pretty fun and not all that time consuming, which is nice for a change. 

Learning French. Learning another language has always been a dream of mine. My audio tutor whom I play while doing Photoshop homework, has helped me learn how to say precisely one phrase. ("I know a little bit of French."….Which happens to be entirely untrue, depending on how you define "a little".)

Art Journaling. I was introduced to this concept by my 2D design teacher last semester. I purchased a lovely book on the subject and created my very first entry, only to not have the time to pursue it. I vow to try and get an entry in every weekend. 

Yoga Training/Teaching. I taught two of my eight community service hours required for my level 1 certificate this summer, thanks to the generosity of my great friend. I plan to force my parents to take the rest of the hours I am required. (hehe.) I am also working on setting up my level 2 training and very excited to continue my learning. I also plan to actually use my gym membership and take at least 2 yoga classes there a month, in order to attempt to get my money's worth.

School. Although I'm taking only two classes, Photoshop is quite time intensive as is my Advertising class. I am however, grateful that I took the two classes at the same time, because they tend to tie into each other quite nicely.

My Blanket. Remember my crochet post? ("Sure I do!", you say.) Well my blanket is coming along very nicely. It no longer looks like a table runner and it is now big enough that I can actually use it to keep me warm while I'm crocheting it.

So, that's what I've been doing with my time. As you can see, I have about 25 billion things going on at once, but that's the way I like it. What's life without a little craziness?

My Avocado Trees

I love avocados…I love making guacamole, and now I love growing avocado trees.

That's right, I'm growing trees! Cool right??

Anyway, I started growing the first seed a few weeks ago and it has since grown a shoot about six inches high! I'm so excited to be growing a tree, it's ridiculous. I drive my family crazy with all of the tree updates :) The other day I made guacamole and gained two more pits to grow.

Of course, it's entirely possible that they'll never bear fruit. If they do, it might take somewhere around 10 years for the first fruit to appear.

But I don't care, I just think it's awesome watching them grow :)

If you'd like to learn how to grow your own avocado tree, check out this article here.

If you'd like an awesome guacamole recipe, check out my post on my other blog, TheFoodXchange.

Jason Mraz Webisodes - A Day With Jason & Toca

"…after that, I start to forage…"

"…is it gonna be a whole salad, half a salad; half an enthusiastic salad…"

"…or I'll find a shower…"

"…I guess, if you wanted to…you could take a 7 hour shower…"

"...I'd hate to have to be the person that has to dust this place…"

Toca you're hilarious.

My Etsy Wishlist

So I'm sure you all know by now that I love The unique items you can find there make it a great place to go for inspiration and just for some really cool stuff. 

I find myself mostly purchasing/viewing jewelry, but they have everything and I've also purchased curtain pullbacks and plan on purchasing some new drawer pulls for my vanity in the near future. 

I love purchasing items I know were handmade. The satisfaction I get from buying from an artist directly is a great feeling. 

Below I've posted a few pictures (with links) of some of my most recent Etsy favorites/finds. These are only a few!! I could spend days on this site, finding tons of things I like, but I thought I would just show you a few here.


p.s.- If you know me personally and happen to be looking for a Christmas gift….*cough* look no further :P

Buddha Quote Bracelet on Etsy

"Do not dwell in the past, Do not dream of the future, Concentrate the mind on the present Moment." ~Buddha

Words to live by.

If this bracelet wasn't $119, I would totally be getting it.

Jason Mraz - Dynamo of Volition (Live at the Highline Ballroom in NYC)

He just never ceases to amaze me.

And make me laugh :)

HD Jason Mraz I Never Knew You Acoustic Live in Whistler 08 05 11

Absolutely beautiful. I love hearing Toca's voice in the background :)

I'm going to have a hard time waiting for the new cd!!!

Ethiopian Famine

The current famine in Ethiopia and the surrounding countries in Africa is an issue not much discussed in the media. But it is increasingly becoming worse; and although this famine is not as "bad" as the famine of 1984, during which pop stars gathered to raise $250 million dollars for the relief effort, it still deserves recognition and relief despite the Ethiopian government's desire to keep it under wraps.

Their government insists that, "In the Ethiopian context, there is no hunger, no famine… It is baseless [to claim famine], it is contrary to the situation on the ground. It is not evidence-based. The government is taking action to mitigate the problems.” ( And while other countries experiencing drought and famine will allow charities to distribute food, Ethiopia's government "insists that the bulk of food aid must pass through its hands." (

My Siblings and I in Disney World!KaliWhile normally I would of course still be motivated to write about this issue, I also have other reasons for taking a particular interest in Ethiopia's problem. 

Two years ago in September, I drove with my family to Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C. It was not to take a flight to anywhere, but rather to receive someone off a flight from Ethiopia. On that day, we picked up my sister, who was 9 months at the time. She was abandoned by her mother in Ethiopia and found by a woman who brought her to an orphanage run by Adoption Advocates International. We adopted her and she has since become a part of our family. 
Me and My Sister

But I can't help but wonder. What if she had never been found? Or what if her mother had kept her and she too, was experiencing this famine first hand? What if she was the little child who weighed 20 pounds at 4 years old?

It's not just the famine or drought or the growing problem Ethiopia is having even getting food into the country…it's the fact that there are people starving at all. I don't keep up with politics regularly. And I know it's not as easy as just giving food to people who need it, especially not when you're dealing with foreign governments. But if it weren't for the efforts of the clinics placed in Ethiopia after the 1984 famine in which 1 million Ethiopians died, there would be a repeat of that disaster. 

While experts state that although there will probably be no repeat of 1985, the people are still going hungry, having to sell their livestock (their livelihood) in order to feed their children.

One man walked 3 hours to the feeding clinic, with his 4 year old son strapped to his back. Another grandmother walked her grandson to the clinic from their home, an hour away. These people know that selling their livestock for a few dollars, (often malnourished and bare-bones themselves) will only put off the day they run out of food.

Plumpy'nut, a nutritional paste, is given to children who are malnourished by the feeding clinic supported by Save the Children USA says, "Ethiopia, perennially one of the world's hungriest nations, now faces what Oxfam, one of dozens of international aid organizations responding to the crisis, calls "a toxic cocktail." 

Its ingredients: drought that in some places killed the entire spring crop; global inflation that has doubled the price of food; armed rebellion in the Somali region that has disrupted food delivery; and assorted plagues, from insects to hailstones. 

Unlike 1985, when images of a famine that killed 1 million Ethiopians shocked the West […] this year aid workers say there probably will be no mass starvation. An expensive, elaborate social welfare apparatus, erected largely by the world's rich nations to avert another 1985, will not permit it. 

Those good intentions, however, have helped produce another problem: A nation that has long seen itself as the most independent in Africa faces an ever-growing dependence on food aid from countries who now must deal with increasing food problems of their own. 

At least 14 million Ethiopians — 18% of the nation — need food aid (much of it from the USA) or cash assistance, according to government figures and aid agency estimates.

Since 1985 the population has doubled to almost 80 million, and per-capita farm production has declined. Meanwhile, the global cost of raising and moving food keeps rising.

It all makes Ethiopia's hunger "a ticking time bomb," says Peter Walker, a Tufts University famine specialist."

I ask nothing more then that you spread the word- do what love would do and consider donating to Save the Children USA, the organization that supports the feeding clinic in Ethiopia. 

Jason Mraz Grati-Tube Ep2: Yoga To Go

So being that I love both Yoga and Jason Mraz…this was a no-brainer. 

Psych Comic-Con 2011 Season 6 Sneak Peek

Psych just happens to be one of my favorite tv shows…this sneak peek has me wishing it was October already.

Rescue by Jason Mraz

Absolutely. Beautiful.
This is just about one of the funniest things I've ever seen…

yes, that's me racking up the view count.

This just happens to be one of the most amazing/awesome things I've seen in my entire life.

I'm going to have to make it. 

This is how much I love Owls...

University of Minnesota Dance Team - Amazing Precision.

The precision of this dance gives me chills...

America's Got Talent, That's For Sure...

I watch America's Got Talent every week. There are lots of really talented people and performers on the show, but the ones I find most entertaining are the ones who use their imagination.

These two videos show the group Silhouettes performing two different routines. The first one is their audition in Minneapolis and the second is last week's performance.

I love these routines because of their innovation. The dancing is flawless, the concept is ingenious. In the second video, they actually form the silhouettes of American monuments and buildings, which are then superimposed over the kids' shadows, which (if you watch) shows how spot-on they are/have to be with their positions.

All in all I just think they're a really great act and they deserve to go far in the competition.

Yet Another Etsy Purchase

I recently purchased a Nook Color from Barnes and Noble.

When I started looking at a case to carry it in, I realized that every case I found was either leather, boring, or both.

So I decided to take a look on Etsy and see if they had anything a little more exciting.

They did!

1 Sweet Pea Boutique makes adorable, stylish, cases for all sorts of electronic devices.

The one I got has owls, one of my favorite things :)

It's perfect, it keeps my Nook cozy when I'm not using it and keeps it safe if I put it in a bag or need to travel with it.

Moral of the Story: Etsy Rocks.

Mac OS X Lion - There's Some Awesome New Features Coming...

200+ New Features

Instant messaging availability

See your buddy’s availability while in Address Book.

Social network profiles

Address Book lets you quickly access the social network profiles for your contacts, including Facebook. Press and hold an email address to select the appropriate profile.

Send files wirelessly

AirDrop is the simplest way to send files wirelessly to anyone around you.

Drag-and-drop file sharing

To share a file, simply drag it onto a person’s contact photo. Your Mac verifies that you want to send the file, then sends a request to the recipient. When the request is accepted, the file transfers to the person’s Downloads folder.

Saves as you go

Apps developed with Auto Save can automatically save changes to your document as you work, freeing you from manual saving and from the worry that you’ll lose your valuable work if the app quits. And because Auto Save saves all changes in the background, you can work without the distraction of pauses or progress bars.

Saves in place

Auto Save in Lion adds the changes directly into the file so there’s only one copy of the document on your Mac.

All My Files
Instantly view all the files on your Mac in a single window in the Finder. All My Files gathers all your files — no matter where they’re located — and displays them in an organized view. It’s smart about what it collects, showing only files you commonly open, such as documents, images, and videos, while leaving out system files.

Gesture navigation

In icon view, files in each group are displayed in rows of icons, so you can swipe through them quickly using your Multi-Touch trackpad or Magic Mouse.

Go full screen

Apps built to take advantage of the entire screen have a new full-screen button in the window title bar. Click it to expand the app window to fill the screen.

Multiple full-screen apps

You can have multiple full-screen apps running at the same time. Each app stays full screen even when you switch to another app or to the desktop.

New look

iCal features a streamlined new look that gives you more room to browse and edit your events. The calendars list reveals itself only when you click Calendars. So now almost the entire window is dedicated to your calendar, giving you a beautiful view of your events by day, week, month, or year.

Full-screen iCal

Take iCal full screen so you can see even more events and the details associated with them.

Day view

The new day view makes it easy to stay on top of a busy day. You’ll find a running list of your events on one side and a detailed schedule on the other, so it takes just a glance to get the information you need. The new mini month is always visible, making it easy to switch between days and quickly navigate your calendar.
Quick Add
Adding an event to iCal has never been easier. Simply enter a regular-language phrase like “Mary’s Birthday at 8 p.m.” or “Lunch with John” and let iCal add the event for you. Quick Add can turn your phrases into iCal events with the right name, time, and location. Just click the Add button (+) in the toolbar and enter your phrase.

Year view

Year view lets you see 12 months at a time, making it easy to jump between months.

Heat map

In year view, iCal displays a map using colors to represent availability for each day, so you can see which days have more activities.

Unified buddy list

iChat brings your buddies together in one buddy list no matter what service they use, so you can find them without hunting through multiple windows. And if someone has accounts on multiple chat services, iChat displays just one entry for the person in the buddy list. When you click your buddy’s name to send a message, simply choose the service you want to use.

Unified status

Share a single availability and status message with all your buddies no matter what service you use. Just select “Use the same status for all accounts” in iChat preferences. Deselect the preference if you’d like to maintain a separate status and availability for each service you use.

A home for your apps

Launchpad is a full-screen home for all the apps on your Mac. It creates full-screen pages to accommodate your apps and adds new pages as you add more apps. Find the app you want and open it with a single click.

Organize with folders

Group applications in folders. Simply drag one app icon on top of another and Launchpad creates a folder. Launchpad uses the application’s category (Productivity, Finance, Games) to suggest a folder name, or you can create your own. Each folder can hold as many as 32 apps.

Arrange apps any way you like

You can rearrange apps by dragging their icons to a new location or even to another page.

Widescreen layout

A new layout for Mail takes advantage of the widescreen display on your Mac. It neatly arranges your message list and open email side by side in full-height columns, so you see more of your messages.

Full-screen experience

Mail delivers a full-screen experience, so you can read and send email without distractions. With more room for your conversations and messages, you can browse your email more efficiently. Compose a new message, and Mail dims your inbox and slides in a full-height canvas so you can focus on your message and capture your thoughts.

Favorites bar

The favorites bar gives you one-click access to your mail folders. Its horizontal layout displays your favorite folders and their unread counts without cluttering up your window. Drag folders to the favorites bar to add them.

Redesigned message header

The message header displays only the information you need, so you can focus on the message. Click the details to see everything else, including recipients.


Conversations in Mail gives you a new and natural way to read and manage your email. As email arrives in your inbox, Mail automatically groups related messages in conversations. And Mail numbers each message in a conversation so you always know where you are as you read.

Custom labels

Organize your mail with color-coded labels. Labeling a message takes just a click, and a colored flag is added to the message for easy identification. Mail creates folders for your labeled messages so you can get to them quickly. You can personalize labels with names like “Family” and “Work.” And you can use labels when you search to help narrow the results.

One-click archive

Quickly move messages from your inbox and save them for later with a single click.

See everything on your Mac
Mission Control brings together everything running on your Mac — open windows, full-screen apps, spaces, and Dashboard — in one bird’s-eye view. A row of thumbnails across the top of the screen represents Dashboard, desktop spaces, and your full-screen apps. The lower part of the screen shows an Exposé view of the open windows on your desktop. Click anything to instantly navigate to it.

Add and remove spaces

You can add and remove desktop spaces right from Mission Control. To add a space, click the new Spaces control (+) in the upper-right corner of Mission Control. Or drag an app or window to the Spaces control. To remove a space, click the Delete button (x) on the space’s thumbnail.

Bind application to a space

You can now bind an application to a particular space or make it available in all spaces right from the Dock. Press and hold the icon in the Dock and make a selection from the contextual menu.

Custom desktop pictures

Each desktop space can have its own desktop picture.

Full-screen Photo Booth

Photo Booth in OS X Lion delivers a full-screen view that takes advantage of the entire screen on your Mac. And it features a new look that makes you feel as if you’re in an actual photo booth.

New effects

Have even more fun with the built-in camera on your Mac. Choose from nine new effects that use facial tracking technology, so effects look great whether you’re front and center or left of center. Effects include Lovestruck, Dizzy, Frog, Nose Twirl, and Blockhead.

High-resolution photos

Photo Booth takes advantage of the high-resolution FaceTime camera in some Mac computers, so you can show off your smile in richer detail than ever before.

Full-screen Safari

Take Safari full screen and experience your favorite websites on a grander scale. It’s perfect for viewing more of your Gmail inbox, Facebook newsfeed, or Twitter trends.

Downloads list

When you download files in Safari, an arrow appears to the right of the Smart Search Field to show you the progress of your download. Click the arrow to see downloads. You can also clear downloads from the list or view them in the Finder.

Drag-and-drop downloads

You can drag downloaded files from the Downloads list to your desktop for easy organization.

Reading List

Reading List lets you save web pages to read when you have time.

Per-user screen sharing

You can remotely log in to a Mac with any user account on that computer and control it, without interrupting someone else who might be using the computer under a different login.

Go full screen

Take the screen-sharing application full screen in Lion so you can observe and control a remote Mac using the entire screen. It feels as if you are sitting right in front of the other Mac.

Records the history of a document

OS X Lion can keep an ongoing record of your document as it evolves. Lion records snapshots of your document as you make changes or reach important milestones.

Automatic versions

Each time you open a document, Lion automatically saves the current version. It also saves a new version every hour while you work, building a history of the document as you go.

Browse versions

Lion makes it easy to browse previous versions. Using an interface similar to that of Time Machine, you can browse the version history of a document to see how it looked at any time. A timeline shows all the versions that exist for the document. To view a previous version, simply click a specific date.

Side-by-side comparison

When you’re browsing versions, a side-by-side comparison feature allows you to see the current state of a document next to the previous one, so you can easily note the differences.

Other Features

Resize from any edge

You can now resize a window from any side or corner.

Overlay scroll bars

The new overlay scroll bars appear when you need them and fade away when you don’t, resulting in a more streamlined experience.

Interact with iTunes artwork in screen saver

Turn your screen saver into a jukebox. Just click an album to play the songs.

And the best part? It's only $29.99 and available from the Mac App Store sometime in July! Can't wait!

Quote/Mural in My Room:

go make a life, not a living...

I painted this quote on my wall above my closet. It's from Jason Mraz's "That'll Do" (Also know by several other names…) The font is FG Petra, used on some of Jason Mraz's cds and whatnot.

My bed faces it, so I wake up every morning to this amazing piece of advice, one that I plan to live by.

Yes, as a Matter of Fact I do Crochet. No, I'm not Eighty...

my crochet-ing skills

I started this crocheted blanket as a "summer project" probably about two or three years ago.

Obviously I didn't finish it in one summer and I haven't really touched it for a while but I had some free time today so I thought, why not?

My Grandma actually taught me how to crochet and I started this project after seeing it in one of her books.

I'm looking forward to it looking more like a blanket and less like a weird table runner.

p.s.- I also cross stitch...

Peace Iced Tea: Tea with a Mission

So I originally picked this tea up because it had an awesome bottle. I don't often drink iced tea, and I actually just bought it to put on my shelf as art. Then I became curious and I picked up two of their razzleberry flavor (one to drink and one to look at).

I went online to look them up and see if they had any other flavors. They actually have seven different flavors, of which, my local Rite Aid only carries two :'(

On their about us page they have this blurb: 

“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” -Marvin Gaye

On February 21, 1958, a designer and artist named Gerald Holtom rendered the Peace Symbol to support the 4 April march organized in London by the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War. The Peace Symbol has, universally, come to symbolize peace. The Peace Symbol is not something to be messed with, to be exploited or to be trivialized. The Peace Symbol is the very inspiration behind the creation of Peace Tea. Yes, Peace Tea is a product meant to be bought and enjoyed. However, that is not the point. Peace Tea was not brought to life to commercialize or rip off or capitalize on the Peace Symbol. There are fashion brands, bands, record labels and countless other examples of products which utilize the Peace Symbol.

Peace Tea was born out a yearning for a higher calling. It is all about one single and perfect and fundamental truth: To evoke an emotion, or perhaps even more importantly, an action.

Peace Tea is whatever you want it to be.

Peace Tea is based in the true meaning of Peace. Peace is a balance of a deep understanding in yourself and between others where a mutual respect results by accepting differences, displaying tolerance, erasing tensions and allowing each and every person to have a voice, an opinion, a right to be who and what they want to.

While Peace Tea is a product, it is a product that stands for social obligation, social awareness, benevolence, compassion and soul. It can, in the form of a mere liquid, be your own form of poetry, art, music, philosophy, belief system. But more than anything, Peace Tea strives to be a product that makes a difference. Even the most minimal difference.

If even one person reaches for a can of Peace Tea and thinks into what Peace is all about and is motivated to act, then Peace Tea has fulfilled its reason for being. Perhaps that very person sees their reflection and is moved enough to do something in their day that benefits someone or something. Peace, compassion and generosity can come in the smallest acts. It can be buying a meal for a person living on the streets; helping a blind person get across a busy boulevard; helping an elderly person off an airplane; taking the time to lift the spirits of a friend who is down and struggling; helping a lost dog find its owner. It can be anything. Like the bumper sticker says, it can be about “practicing random and senseless acts of generosity and kindness.”

Peace Tea is a product with a purpose. A product to believe in. Peace Tea is Peace, Love and Understanding.

Peace Tea is love over gold.

Peace Tea Beverage Company"

Peace Tea is iced tea with a mission. And I like that.

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